The importance of having a good marine battery
A reliable battery bank on board is essential to provide house power for refrigeration, lighting and other auxiliary loads. There are many solutions for this, starting with the Federal range however, while cost effective, these options do require regular maintenance and water top-up for optimal performance and service life. In many situations the batteries are built into inaccessible areas, so a maintenance free solution may be required. Ideally this is not something you should self select; talk to us about your needs.
Whether to start an engine or to power lights, radio, navigation equipment, even refrigeration, all boats need reliable power. It could be disasterous to neglect your batteries, talk to us or book in a regular battery test to make sure your battery system is in good health and will get you back to shore.
Bi Annual Checks
Our main focus is to check your batteries to make sure they are running in optimal condition for your peace-of-mind.
What we do:
- Load test all batteries
- Inspect levels and voltages
- Test battery chargers are functioning correctly
- Test engine alternators are functioning correctly
This test will ensure your batteries pass their load test and ensure any failures are picked up immediately.
If you would like us to test your Marine Batteries please BOOK HERE or call Wade on 0434 983 059
We inform all our clients via email when the job is done and contact them immediately if there are any concerns.